Root cause analysis & culture

A number of key areas have become the focus of recent training and consulting assignments.

Auditing Culture - for the IIA UK and various other IIA organisations (Belgium Norway, Sweden, Switzerland).

The approach offered does not try to "sell" a particular way of auditing or measuring culture, but is intended to equip risk and audit teams to understand what culture is and where it comes from. It also explains the crucial difference between culture and sub-culture and behaviour and the complexities of measuring and auditing culture and how to take a practical step by step approach to moving forward that will not risk false assurances that the culture is OK, when in fact it is not. It also explores the importance of seeing cultural factors in the day to day work of the audit function and the importance of understanding the culture of the audit team as well as the political environment in which audit is operating, since most effective work on culture is implicitly political, whether audit likes this or not.

Root Cause Analysis - for the IIA UK, and others including the IIA Belgium, France, Norway, Mauritius, Sweden and Switzerland.

Workshops and consulting assignments offer a highly engaging and practical approach to approaching Root Cause analysis that combines a range of well-known techniques (such as the 5 whys, fishbone and logic tree), linking these with organizational effectiveness thinking about the way that complex systems operate and the way that human error can arise. Deepening a competence in root cause analysis profoundly improves the recommendations that audit provides and can also give deep insights into organizational culture.

Auditing in the Pharmaceuticals Industry

As a former CAE of Pharmaceuticals company, AstraZeneca, James has delivered half a dozen workshops, with experienced associates over the past few years to help explain the unique challenges of auditing in the Pharmaceuticals industry, ranging from the rapidly changing and demanding compliance environment to the complexities of working with numerous other compliance and assurance functions, to auditing complex areas such as the pharmaceuticals supply chain and research and development.